Approvals and Assessment
Consentium is unrivalled in the provision of end-to-end strategic approvals advice and project direc...
Driving conversation that connects communities, Consentium create meaningful, strategic and practica...
We specialise in communicating technical, complex and sensitive information across multiple platform...
Risk Assessment and Management
By anticipating, addressing and identifying effective management options we excel at navigating comp...
Consentium establish structured frameworks to drive project performance, delivery, compliance and re...
Provides strategic advisory services to organisations delivering projects in sensitive social and environmental contexts.

Emily Compton

Emily Compton

Emily provides communications support to the Consentium team. She has strong written communication skills and a high-level ability to design and produce content for a range of media platforms.

Emily holds a Bachelor of Communication and Professional Writing.

Areas of Expertise

  • Communications
  • Report writing
  • Project controls